Monday 23 January 2012

First day at the hospital

 Hello friends!

We just finished our first day at Lewanika General Hospital! It's a very neat place with hard working people. Esther and I spent the day in the Theatre (operating room) and let me tell you the one thing that really stood out to me.... THERE'S AIRCON!!!

Mondays are cleaning days in the Theatre and so Esther and I were kept busy scrubbing every surface (even the walls!). There was also an emergency surgery and so we were able to observe. The day zipped by pretty quickly. Tomorrow, we'll be watching (and scrubbing in, perhaps) general surgeries. The following day, Esther, Sylvia, Jackie, and I will be teaching student nurses how to do head-to-toe assessments on patients on the wards. Next, another day of surgery, and then finally we leave for the safari!

We're driving out to the safari on Friday morning and will be seeing animals by both Jeep and boat. And I've heard that there's wifi! Obviously, easily accessible internet is my most missed luxury! 

But for now, I'm heading back outside. We've got to go to the Green Market to pick up some vegetables and then we're heading over to OK Restaurant to buy another 25 samosas. Can't get enough!

Hope you're all well back in Canada. Miss you! (Especially my B!)


  1. I'm reading these Joel! Boy I'm homesick for Zambia! I just laugh at all the experiences you write about because I remember doing the exact same things, except I didn't venture into the green and black markets until my last week in you are very brave.

    1. Many of the nurses remember the last group of students by name! We went back to the green/black market just today to buy shetangas. Fun stuff!

  2. I'm glad your first day went well. I'm excited to hear about your safari this weekend and maybe we'll even get a chance to chat. Say hello to everyone for me :) I miss you so much, and I love you!

    1. I love you back!! Safari has no wifi apparently. Skype may not be an option.... I have no clue when and where I will be able to upload photos :(

  3. OMG you might be scrubbing in on SURGERIES!! They are really throwing you in there. I'm super interested to hear how the teaching goes, and what differences you see between what your education is as a nurse in Canada, and what it's like in a completely different world.

    I'm so enjoying these blogs, Joel. Thank you for posting!! My whole family agrees, actually :) We're all thinking about you and Sylv and the rest of the nurses there. You're all in my prayers! You're doing such good work, I'm honestly impressed and proud of all of you.

    1. Esther and I got to scrub in the other day... Well scrubbing in consists of handwashing, gloves, and an apron but , eh, we had lots of fun!

      Sylvia says that "love you and miss you all"

  4. Joel you're amazing!!!!!! I love you. <3

  5. Your blogs are fun to read - I check first thing every morning - looking forward to the pictures this weekend! (Jackie's mom)

  6. Jackie says that she misses you and loves you! We like that you're commenting! :)

  7. That's too bad about the Safari not having WIFI! I was really looking forward to seeing some more photos. That is so incredible that you're going to go on one. Talk about a dream. Did I mention this is on my bucket list? Yup!
    Your blogs are so much fun. I'm enjoying this more that my book I'm reading each night! You should publish this!! lol
